Asbestos Representation

Medical law — Bevan Law Firm in Boston Heights, OH
Bevan & Associates represents people from all backgrounds and all lines of work who have been exposed to asbestos particles and are at risk of health complications. Even non-malignant conditions as a result of asbestos exposure are harmful to your health.

Any level of asbestos exposure can lead to more dangerous conditions down the road. You can't put a price on your health and well-being, but Bevan & Associates helps you get the compensation you're entitled to.

Who Is Typically Exposed To Asbestos?

Pleural Irritation

Asbestos fibers in your lungs can irritate the tissue that covers your lungs, the pleura, and lead to complications. These fibers can remain stuck in your lungs, causing damage as they rub against your tissue. This damage can manifest itself as scarring, fluid build-up, or impaired breathing.

Damage and scarring to your lungs and tissue from asbestos particles can become cancerous in the future. Settlements and other avenues of compensation may be available to you.

A History Of Success

Bevan & Associates specializes in representing those afflicted by asbestos exposure, and carries decades of cumulative experience.
If you're suffering from illness or disease as a result of your interaction with asbestos, whether you worked in an environment with asbestos fibers present or interacted with property manufactured with asbestos, let us help you.

Call our office today at (330)-650-0088 and schedule your free initial consultation.
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