Camp Lejeune

If you served at Camp Lejeune, or the Marine Corps Air Station New River, North Carolina for at least 30 days between August 1953 and December 1987 and are living with cancer or other health issues, we want to hear your story. You may qualify for a cash payment due to exposure to contaminated water.

Lawyers in a conference room — Bevan Law Firm in Boston Heights, OH
Ohio Workers’ Compensation is a complex program and can be frustrating to navigate without representation. Many injured workers don’t know that they are entitled workers’ compensation benefits and don’t know where to go for assistance. At Bevan & Associates LPA, Inc. we have attorneys dedicated solely to representing injured workers throughout the workers’ compensation process. As your attorney our goal is to obtain all benefits you, the injured worker, are entitled and to guide you around the misinformation out there about workers’ compensation claims. Here are some examples of rights and benefits injured workers may be entitled:
Lawyers in a conference room — Bevan Law Firm in Boston Heights, OH
For many years the U.S. Government denied these issues and have been very slow to accept accountability for the toxic chemical water. The new Camp Lejeune Justice Act give families the opportunity to file a claim against the Marines for the first time. Hundreds of thousands of Marines and their families were put at risk at Camp Lejeune. The toxic water was in the drinking water of military families in their homes and even at local children’s daycares.

We can assist you in understanding your legal rights and work to get you the compensation you are entitled to from serving your country. Click below or call the law firm of Bevan & Associates LPA, Inc. Our firm has been fighting for veterans and their families for over 30 years to get them the compensation they deserve.


You served your country, and our legal team is here to serve you!

Click to sign-up or call 1-800-625-1350 for a no-obligation case review. 



As an injured worker, even if you are no longer working for the company, you are entitled to have any injury–related medical bills paid. We will work with your doctors to get treatment approved when they denied under the workers’ compensation program or by your employer. We will work with your doctors to make sure your conditions are properly allowed in your claim so that your medical bills are properly paid.


While recovering from an injury you may lose time from work. We assist with obtaining payment of temporary total disability benefits by working with your doctors to get the proper paperwork filed with your employer. If your doctor returns you to work with restrictions we assist in determining whether you qualify for wage loss, such as non-working wage loss (wages while looking for a job within the restrictions because you no longer have a position to return to) and working wage loss (wages lost due to reduction in hours by doctor and/or employer due to restrictions).


If you are unable return to work because of the injuries sustained in a work place accident, you may be eligible for lifetime payment of wages. We will work with you and your doctors to obtain the proper medical documentation to apply for PTD and we will represent you in the hearings to have PTD granted.


Unfortunately, deaths can happen at work. We work with the family to obtain the death benefits available for a spouse and any dependants as well as funeral expense benefits.


Every injury, regardless of severity, is eligible for a residual impairment or permanent partial disability award under Ohio Workers’ Compensation. This award is a LUMP SUM money award payable to an injured worker because he/she has sustained an injury at work that has caused him/her residual issues – from a scar to continued pain and suffering. Because this award is not a disability award, it does not affect other benefits an injured worker may be receiving. We have physicians that will provide independent reports to increase your chances of receiving the most for your claim.


Even when an injury or disease is covered through workers’ compensation, there may be other parties who may be responsible for your injury. We evaluate your claim and the circumstances surrounding your injury to determine whether you have a legal right to pursue action against a third party for your injury.


Did your employer get cited by OSHA due to your injury - maybe a guard was removed from a machine, or safety equipment wasn’t provided? We review your claim and the specific safety requirements under workers’ compensation and determine whether your employer is in violation of a specific safety requirement and should a complaint be filed with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.


Settlement of a workers’ compensation claim is the voluntary agreement between an injured worker, the employer and/or the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. We work with your employer’s representative, even if you no longer work there, and the BWC to obtain the highest settlement amount possible. Workers receive HIGHER settlements when they are represented by an attorney than when they try to settle their claims on their own.
Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys:
Christopher Stefancik, Esq.
Cindy Kobal, Esq.
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